Digital Resources
February 12, 2024 2025-01-25 6:55Digital Resources
Off-Campus Access
The demand for e-books is gradually but steadily increasing. In view of this trend, the Library is focusing on increasing the number of e-books accessible online. Access to e-books is provided either through the purchase of print books or via subscription to publishers’ databases
E-journals have gained significant popularity due to the convenience and benefits they offer to the users. To facilitate quick and easy access to journals the Library is expanding its subscriptions to e-journals, and provides campus-wide as well as off-campus access. This includes access to both subscribed individual journals and those available through subscribed databases. To ensure convenience and easy navigation, the Library compiles A-Z as well as subject-wise lists.
Online Databases
BMJ Case Reports is published by BMJ, is a valuable educational resource offering a large volume of case studies across various medical specialties. It includes a comprehensive collection of cases on both common and rare conditions with over 27,000 case reports available. The database also provides diagrams, flowcharts and algorithms. Subscription to BMJ Case Reports allows the faculty members of the constituent units of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University to publish accepted cases in BMJ Case Reports without paying article processing charges (APC). There is no limit on the number of case reports that the authors can submit
Research to Publication is an online research methodology and publishing program designed specifically for doctors and healthcare researchers. Launched by BMJ in collaboration with the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) RtoP helps researchers navigate the process of getting their papers published in high quality journals brought out by BMJ. RtoP covers clinical research, medical writing skills and publishing process. With 52 research methodology modules and 8 multimedia courses focused on healthcare research, RtoP provides comprehensive training. BMJ’s research editors and UCSF’s academics guide learners through the entire process, from designing a study to seeing it published in an international journal. Certificates are awarded upon completion of each module.
Subscription to RtoP allows the faculty members of the constituent units of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara University to publish accepted article manuscripts in any of the BMJ journals without paying article processing charges (APC) after successfully completing any 5 of the 52 modules. Authors can contact the Library for assistance to complete the process.
ClinicalKey is the first and most advanced clinical decision support tool introduced by Elsevier Health. The database provides quick access to a wide range of medical information. It includes clinical overviews, Elsevier published full-text books and journals, drug information, procedural videos, clinical calculators, patient education handouts, practice guidelines, clinical trials, and citations and abstract from PubMed. ClinicalKey is accessible online via institutional IP, remote IP as well as a dedicated mobile app.
UpToDate is an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support tool designed by Wolters Kluwer. The database assists clinicians with point-of-care decisions. Authored by leading physicians it offers expert guidance across more than 25 medical specialties and subspecialties. Content for UpToDate is created based on the latest medical literature and the knowledge and expertise of world-class clinicians. It provides new updates in the field of medicine and healthcare including practice-changing insights. It includes drug related information, patient education, clinical calculators and drug interactions. UpToDate is accessible online via institutional IP, remote IP as well as a dedicated mobile app.
The Central Library holds a good collection of CDs and DVDs. While many of these materials have been received along with the books and journal issues, the rest have been purchased. The bibliographic and location details of these materials are accessible through OPAC. The CDs and DVDs are arranged by serial number in the CD rack situated near the Stack entrance. AVM collection is available for use within the Library premises.
The Central Library has created a digital repository that collects, preserves and provides online access to the intellectual output of the SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital. The repository works as an important tool to facilitate scholarly communication. The resources preserved include journal publications, books and book chapters, theses and dissertations, conference papers presented by the researchers, teachers and students. The digital repository is part of the National Digital Repository (NDL). While the metadata and abstract of the published articles are accessible to all, access to full text is subject to access policy of the journals.
Annual examination question papers of various degree programs offered by the Institution are maintained in print as well as digital media. Print copy of the question papers is filed and arranged in a separate section. Moodle software is used to compile and organize the digital copy. The question papers are accessible online within the campus via LAN and off-campus via remote authentication platform.
Many highly useful resources that include books, journals, full text and bibliographic databases, medical videos are freely accessible from the Web.