Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

Circulation Policy

Books other than those placed under ‘Reference’ category are available for home lending. Generally, the first copy of every medical book purchased is placed under ‘Reference’ category and marked “R”. Other materials placed under ‘Reference’ category include dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, maps, charts, reports, standards, subject reference books, monographs, current journals, journal back issues, WHO publications, theses, dissertations, audiovisual and multimedia. Subject reference books, on special request are issued to the faculty members for overnight use. 

Extending Loan Period

Members may request for one time extension of the loan period of an item borrowed. Extension request, however, can be honored if there is no requisition from other users for the same book. For extending the loan period, the item must be presented physically at the Circulation Desk. Renewal request can also be made via phone call to the Circulation Counter. 

Overdue Book

A book borrowed by an individual user should be returned to the library on or before the due date. In case of default, an overdue charge of Rs 5 per day will be collected. A reminder is sent to the borrower if the borrowed item is not returned within 15 days of the due date. A second reminder is served 21 days after the due date. If the borrowed item is still not returned, a cost recovery notice is sent to the borrower, detailing the action being taken. In accordance with the Library Advisory Committee policy, if a borrowed item is not returned even after a cost recovery notice is issued, action will be taken to recover the cover price of the item, 50% administrative charges along with the overdue charges.

Damaged Book

A book borrowed must be returned in good condition. Hence, before borrowing an item, the user must ensure that it is not damaged. The borrower is responsible for checking for missing pages, underlining, highlighting, and any physical damages to the item. If a book is found damaged, the borrower must bring the same to the notice of the staff at the Circulation Counter. A book borrowed must be handled carefully and should be protected from mutilation, rains, dust, and any other physical damage.

Borrowing Privileges
The borrowing privileges of library members are as follows:
Member Type Item Nos. Duration Renewal
Teaching Staff Textbook 2 15 days One time
Reference Book 1 Overnight No Renewal
PhD Scholar Textbook 2 15 days One time
PG Student Textbook 2 15 days One time
Note: Undergraduate students are issued books for use within the library premises
Loss of a Book

The borrower must report the loss of a book to the library in writing as soon as the item borrowed is lost. This will help the library to stop calculating overdue charges. In case there is no such reporting of the loss, calculation of overdue charges on the lost item will continue. The borrower is required to replace the lost item with the same or the latest edition within 60 days of the reporting. If the book lost is found and returned after loss has been reported, charges will be calculated for the entire overdue period. Returning a book is not permitted after it is either replaced or the cost and other charges are already paid.

Books Priced in Foreign Currency

In case of recovering the cost of a lost book, the borrower will have to pay the cover price of the book, 50% administrative charges and overdue charges, if any. If the lost book is priced in foreign currency, the cover price will take into consideration the GOC rate prevailing in the month of recovery. In case of loss of a rare book, the charges to be recovered will be decided by the Chairman of the Library Advisory Committee.

Rules Applicable to Computer & Internet Facility

The Central Library maintains computer and internet facility for the benefit of the students and faculty members. This facility is exclusively for teaching-learning, research and other academic activities. Hence, the users are expected to be familiar with the following rules governing its use:

Computer settings should not be changed, and other software should not be loaded without permission of Internet Centre In-charge.

Subscribed E-Resource Access Policy

Our Institution subscribes to a range of online resources that include e-journals, e-books, and databases to support the teaching-learning, healthcare, and research programs conducted. The authorized users of these resources include students, teachers, healthcare providers, and researchers. Access and use of these resources are governed by certain terms and conditions laid down by the publishers. As part of the subscription process, our Institution has entered into a license agreement with the publisher of each resource that we subscribe to. Signing the license agreement obligates us to ensure that our users strictly adhere to the terms and conditions laid down in the license agreement.

Publishers of the subscribed online resources monitor the viewing and downloading activities of the users and notify the subscribing institution of any violation of the license terms. Violation of the license agreement by the users may lead to the publisher suspending access to the licensed resource for the remainder of the subscription period causing significant inconvenience to the entire community of authorized users. Such action also leads to loss of subscription amount paid by the Institution. Hence, users must thoroughly understand the permitted and prohibited actions while accessing the licensed resources.

When violation of any of the terms and conditions of a license agreement is reported by a publisher to the Library, immediate action will be taken to remove such a user from the list of authorized users. Additionally, the matter also will be reported to the institutional administration to take further action.

What is Permitted?
What is Not Permitted?

General Rules & Regulations