24*7 Pharmacy Service

24*7 Pharmacy Service

SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital has a 24*7 units with qualified & trained pharmacists, Well accessible main pharmacy with satellite pharmacy.Our pharmacy ensures timely and accurate dispensing of medications prescribed by healthcare professionals. We use advanced dispensing technologies to enhance precision and efficiency.

For patients with unique medication needs, our pharmacy provides specialized compounding services. Our compounding pharmacists are skilled in preparing customized medications tailored to individual patient requirements.

Our pharmacy embraces streamline processes,minimize errors,and ensure the highest standards of pharmaceutical care. From dispensing systems to robust inventory management, we leverage technology to enhance efficiency and safety.

Working Hours

Location and Working Hours

Main Pharmacy

Ground floor, Main Building
Open 24X7

In-patient Pharmacy

Third floor, Main Building
Open on weekdays 8:30 am to 06:00 pm

SSH Pharmacy

Ground floor, Manjushree Building
Open on weekdays 9:30 am to 07:00 am