


1A cross sectional study on morphologic variations of corpus callosum & its embryological correlation in north karnataka region International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy ( (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556 18/10/2022, Dr. Preetam Patil, 2nd author
2Estimation of Normal Semicircular Canal Dimensions on Computed, Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (2023) 75:S176–S180, Received: 10 January 2022 / Accepted: 29 November 2022 / Published online: 16 December 2022 - Dr. Yellur Kavitha,1st Author , Dr. Upendra Kumar Joish, 2nd Author
3Morphometry around Cochleostomy Site to Aid Safe Cochlear Implantation, Iranian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Vol.35(3), Serial No.128, Mar-2023, Dr. Yellur Kavitha,1st Author , Dr. Upendra Kumar Joish, 2nd Author
4A Novel Teaching-Learning Method of Utilizing Ultrasonography as a Tool to Enhance Clinical Examination Skills of House Surgeons in Evaluating Cervical Lymph Nodes, Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Received: 16 December 2021 / Accepted: 9 January 2023, Dr. Y. Kavitha & Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar.
5Effect of Ageing on Midbrain to Pons Area Ratio using MRI A Cross-sectional Study, International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2022 Oct, Vol-11(4): RO29-RO31 Dr. Tukaram Rathod1, Dr. KS Sachin2, Dr. Upendra KumarJoish3, Dr. S Vishnupriya4, Dr. GM Vinutha
6A Cross Sectional Study of Normal Variations of Sphenoid Sinus Through CT-Scan in North Karnataka, India International Journal of Anatomy Radiology & Surgery 2016 Jul, Vol-5(3): AO26-AO30, Dr. Preetam Patil, 2nd author
7Utility of high resolution computed tomography in differentiating diffuse parenchmal lung diseases Med pulse international medical journal 2348-2516 Dr. Vinayak Tonne 1" Author
8A study on MRI appearance in injuries of knee International journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging E-ISSN: 2664-4444 P-ISSN: 2664-4436 IJRDI 2019; 2(1): 29-32 Received: 20-11-2018, Accepted: 22-11-2018 Dr. Devaraj SM, 1st Author
9Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopic findings in meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament injuries. International Journal of Radiology. Jan 2018; 5(1): 05-08 Dr. Vinayak Tonne, 2nd Author
10Correlation between MRI knee and arthroscopy in knee joint injuries International journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging E-ISSN: 2664-4444 P-ISSN: 2664-4436 IJRDI 2019; 2(1): 33-37 Received: 23-11-2018 Accepted: 25-12-2018 Dr. Devaraja SM, 1st Author
11Role of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of adnexal massesInternational Journal of Scientific Research Vol 13:Issue 2: Feb 2020 93-97 February 2020; 13(2): 93-97, Received Date: 14/11/2019 Revised Date: 09/12/2019 Accepted Date: 11/01/20201st author Dr.Santosh Dasar
12Role of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of adnexal masses A cross sectional study at tertiary care hospital International Journal of Scientific Research Vol 7:Issue 3: March 2020 13(3) 122-125 March 2020; 13(3): 122-125., Received Date: 12/11/2019 Revised Date: 21/12/2019 Accepted Date: 30/01/20201st author Dr.Santosh Dasar & Dr. Rajeev dibbad 2nd Author
13The role of grayscale and color doppler ultrasound in evaluation and differentiation of major salivary gland lesions International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. Accepted Sept 5 20171st Author, Dr. Rajeev Dibbad and 3rd Author Dr.Santosh Dasar
14Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopic findings in meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Medpulse international journal of radiology. ISSN: 2579-0129 January 2018; 5(1): 05-08, Received Date: 16/11/2017. Revised Date: 02/12/2017 Accepted Date: 20/01/2018. Dr. Vinayak Tonne, 2nd Author
15Analysis of sonographic findings and its correlation with clinical background laboratory investigations, coventional and contrast radiographic procedures in abdominal trauma Medpulse international journal of radiology. November 2017; 4(2): 26-30, 2579-0129 Received Date: 20/09/2017 Revised Date: 12/10/2017 Accepted Date: 08/11/2017 2nd Author Dr. Devaraja S. M
16Role of ultrasonography in the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma. Med pulse international medical journal radiology October 2017; 4(1): 18-21, 2579-0129 received Date: 25/08/2017. Revised Date: 24/09/2017. Accepted Date: 19/10/2017 2nd Author Dr. Devaraja S. M.
17Childhood Intussusception : A 7 years Prospective Analysis of Data in Single center International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( Vol 7:Issue 1:January 2017 2736 2nd author Dr.Santosh Dasar
18Etiological Spectrum of Acute Intestinal Obstruction in Neonates and Children in North Karnataka International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( Vol 7:Issue 4: April 2017 2826 2nd author Dr. Santosh Dasar.
19Sonography evaluation of yolk sac size and its outcome in first trimister pregnancy International Journal of Scientific Research Vol 7:Issue 3: March 2018Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018 | ISSN No 2277 - 81793rd author Dr.Santosh Dasar
20H1N1 influenza Characterization of initial chest radiographic findings and prognostic value of serial chest radiographs Radiology of infectious DiseasesJRID103Dr. Annie I. K. Dr. Ambika R. Dr. S.K. Joshi
21A case of congenital rubellaosseous manifestations. A case of congenital rubella-osseous manifestations10.1016/j.jrid.2016.11.002Dr. Annie, Dr. Shyamsunder. K. Joshi. Dr. Santosh Dasar.
22MRI Imaging in Meningeal diseasesIndian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research: Sep.2015, Vol-4,Issue-4.P.569-574 P ISSN 2250-284 XE ISSN 22502858Dr. Narendra Shah, 1st Author
23Imaging appearances of central nervous system infections associated with HIV infection. Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research: September 2015, Vol-4, Issue-4.P.545-550 545 Original article P ISSN 2250-284X, F ISSN 2250-2858 Dr. Narendra Shah, 1st Author
24Infratentorial Maganetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Joubert Syndrome. International Journal of Anatomy Radiology & Surgery 2017 Apr, Vol-6(2): RO08-RO11 Dr. Preetam Patil, 1st and corresponding author & 2nd author Dr.Santosh Dasar
25The Chronology of Medical Clavicle Epiphysis Ossification using Computed Tomography. International Journal of Anatomy Radiology & Surgery 2018 Jan, Vol-7(1): RO23-RO28 Dr. Preetam Patil, 1st and corresponding author
26Role of small group discussion in comparison to didactic lecture in impoving self directed learning among first year medical students Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. December 2015 Vol-5,Issue-1, P501-505, Dr. Preetam Patil, 2nd author
27Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome associated clinical and radiological findings: A study from tertiary care hospital International journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2320-6071, Dr. Preetam Patil, 2nd author
28Role of high resolution magnetic resonance imaging in Duane's retraction syndrome, Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research, December 2015 Vol-5,Issue-1, P506-510 Dr. Preetam Patil, 1st and corresponding author
29The study of the role of magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP) in pancreato-biliary disorders, International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health2016/Vol 5/ Issue 12 Dr. Rajeev Dibbad 2nd Author
30Dual Energy Computed Tomography for Determination of Renal Calculi Composition: In-Vivo Analysis and In-Vitro Comparison with Qualitative Chemical Analysis. International Journal of Medical Science and advanced clinical research. Accepted April 2023 Dr. Rajeev dibbad 2nd Author
31Ultrasonographic evaluation of carcinoma of buccal mucosa: Ultrasound Technique and evaluation of neoplastic conditions plAN-2349-2562 elSSN-2349-2570/VOLU. 3/Issue 34/Apr. 28,2016. Dr. S.K.Joshi J. Evid. Based Med. Health
32Spontaneous partial vanishing cytomegalovirus pseudo tumor of colon in an immune- competent patient, Journal of clinical and diagnostic research, August 2015 vol (9) TD07-TD09 Dr. Santosh Dasar, 2nd Author
33Clinical radiology: Going an extra mile for patient care. Indian J Radiology Imaging. 2018:28:263-6. Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Sahni H, Reddy RH, Sreekanth V.
34Sonographic Estimated Fetal Weight Within an Indian Cohort: Is the Hadlock Four Regression Model Appropriate or Does It Merit Adjustments? Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. September 2021. doi:10.1177/87564793211046603, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Rathod T, Anitha PS.
35Doppler indices of Superior thyroid artery in clinically euthyroid adults. Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2018;28:10-3. Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Kavitha Y, Reddy RH, Prabhu AS, Kumar MC,Siddharth MC.
36MRI Evaluation of Local Extent of Carcinoma Cervix–Is Post Contrast Imaging Needed in Every Case?. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2017 May;11(5):TC15-8. Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Reddy RH, Sinha P, Kodali N, Sreekanth V.
37Application of Curved MPR Algorithm to High Resolution 3 Dimensional T2 Weighted CISS Images for Virtual Uncoiling of Membranous Cochlea as an Aid for Cochlear Morphometry. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2017 Feb;11(2):TC12-4 Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Kavitha Y.
38Utility of Maximum Intensity Projections in Volumetric High Resolution Computed Tomography Lung in the Evaluation of Diffuse Lung Diseases- A Retrospective Analysis. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2022 Jan, Vol-11(1): RO09-11. Dr. Joish UK, Harikiran R, Abhishek S.
39MR Volumetry of Pituitary Gland in Indian Adults to Establish Normal Reference Values. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2017 Jan, Vol-6(1): RO36-9. Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Kavitha Y.
40Screening Mammography: A Pilot Study on Its Pertinence in Indian Population by Means of a Camp. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2017 Aug: 11(8): TC29-32. Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Sreekanth V, Reddy RH, Sridhar BA, Kodali N, Prabhu AS.
41Can MRI Localise the Cause of Chronic Low Backache in Lumbar Spondylosis and Help Guide Specific Management? International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2017 Oct, Vol-6(4): RO01-6. Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Harikiran Reddy R, Vivek Sreekanth, Princy Sethi, Sharath B Raju.
42Variations of Circle of Willis in Indian Population. Asian J. Med. Radiol. Res. 2018;6(1):5-8. (*corresponding author). Dr. Rathod T, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar
43A Study to Find Normal Dimensions of Spinal Cord on MRI in Indian Population. AJMRR. 2019;7(1):52-5 (*corresponding author). Rathod T, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar *, Mathad S, Dhotre C.
44Adrenal Sono-Volumetry in ‘Stressed’ Neonates. AJMRR;7(2):147-9 (*Corresponding author). S Meghana, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar *, Harikiran Reddy, Avi Vinod Jain, BK Anusha.
45A Comparative Study of Pituitary Volume Variations in MRI in Acute Onset of Psychiatric Conditions. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2017 Feb;11(2). TC01-4. Dr. Soni BK, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Dr. Sahni H, George RA, Sivasankar R, Aggarwal R.
46Pre-Operative Evaluation of Fistula in Ano By MR-Fistulography. Int J Recent Sci Res. 2018: 9(9), 29000-8. Dr. Manohar Banasode, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Dr. Shetty Chetan Vitthal, Dr. Deepak Ravanikar and Fahid Rahman CH.
47MR fistulography with percutaneous instillation of aqueous jelly: A cost effective technique innovation. The Indian journal of radiology & imaging. 2017 Apr;27(2):161 Dr. Aggarwal R, Soni BK, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, George RA, Sivasankar R.
48A Study of Effect of Consanguinity on Cochlear Morphology in Patients with Congenital Bilateral Profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2017: 69(4), 483-7. Dr. Kavitha Y, Sabarigirish K, Joish Upendra Kumar, Saxena S, Dutta A.
49MRI Patterns of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy In Term Infants And Correlation With Neurosonographic Appearance & Clinical Outcome. Int J Recent Sci Res. 2017: 8(3): 15994-8. Priyanka, Jeevika MU, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar, Dr. Pallavi Sinha, Dr. Ramya Konareddy, Dipti Kumari and Shivanand HG.
50A clinical study of symptomatic profile and response in objective and subjective parameters to proton pump inhibitor in laryngopharyngeal reflux. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2016 Sep 26;2(4):238-43. Dr. Kavitha Y, Dutta A, Sabarigirish K, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar.
51Congenital sensorineural hearing loss in consanguineous marriages – Does the cochlear length vary.West Afr J Radiol 2019;26:117-120. Aggarwal R, Yellur K, Dr. Joish Upendra Kumar George RA, Swami H, Kanjully S.
52A retrospective study of the demographic profile of keloid over the pinna in central Karnataka. Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 May;4(3):726-9. Chaitanya V, Kavitha Y*, Basavaraju KP, Joish Upendra Kumar.
53Unique Case Series of Occipital Sinus and Its Thrombosis- A Radiological Marvel. AJMRR [Internet]. 2020May30;8(1):44-7. – Case series. R. Harikiran Reddy, Pooja Subramanya, Kumar JU, B. Gurumurthy, Punya. J, Sahana. C. M.


1Analysis of Multiparametric MRI Data in Prostatic Carcinoma– Pirads Correlation with Prostate Specific Antigen Score in 1.5 T – Dr. Anusha G.
2Ultrasonography of thyroid nodules and it’s correlation with USG guided fine needle aspiration cytology- Dr. Anushri
3Comparision Of Diagnostic Accuracy Of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) With Ultrasound And Computed Tomography (CT) in clinically suspected Ostructive Jaundice Patients – Dr. Pooja Nimbal
4Diffusion weighted and perfusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging for brain tumor characterization and histopathological correlation – Dr. Vishruth Gundlur
5Comparison of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging viability Indices with echocardiography and coronary angiography findings to predict outcomes in ischemic cardiomyopathy – Dr. Anirudh Kulkarni
6A comparative study of magnetic resonance imaging cerebrospinal fluid flowmetry in patients with and without migraine – Dr. Apoorva K.A.
7A study to find correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and clinical findings in patients with spinal trauma- Dr. Karthik Raghunath
8Contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in differentiation and characterisation of focal liver lesions – Dr. Risha