Paediatric Surgery

Paediatric Surgery


1Kaposiform Hemangioendothelioma With Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome In A Newborn. Annigeri VM, Pai VV, Dasar SK. European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology. 2012; 22: 249-252.
2Klebsiella associated phagedenic ulcers in infants – a report of two cases Varadraj. V. Pai, Venkatesh Annigeri, Ajanta G. Ashok Naik, N. N. Kikkeri T. Sori.. Pediatric dermatology. Article first published online: 2 JUL 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1470.2012.01803.
3Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome with H-type anovestibular fistula. Mahajan JK, Venkatesh MA, Bawa M, Rao KL. J Pediatr Surg. 2009 Aug;44(8):E1-3
4Anesthetic challenges in lamellar ichthyosis. Hegde HV, Annigeri VM, Pai VV. Paediatr Anaesth. 2012 May;22(5):492-4.
5Pattern of Foreign Body Aspiration in Children- An Experience at SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital Budensab.A.H , Venkatesh M Annigeri , Preveen S Bagalkot, Vikram R Gouda International Journal of Health Sciences & Research ( Vol.2; Issue: 8; November 2012
6Gall bladder gangrene and perforation complicating typhoid fever Budensab AH, Annigeri VM.. Int J Health Sci Res. 2012;2(9):93-95.
7Unusual Cause of Stridor in a Preschool Child Budensab A H, Praveen S. Bagalkot, Venkatesh Annigeri, Suhas N. Joshi.. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research ( 126 Vol.2; Issue: 6; September 2012
8Outcome analysis of palatoplasty in various types of cleft palate. Annigeri VM, Mahajan JK, Nagarkar A, Singh SP. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2012;17:157-61
9Pyloroduodenal duplication cyst. Annigeri VM, Hegde HV, Patil PB, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2012 Apr;17(2):80-1.
10Etiological spectrum of acute intestinal obstruction. Annigeri VM, Mahajan JK, Rao KL. Indian Pediatr. 2009 Dec;46(12):1102-3
11Congenital giant megaureter with duplex kidney presenting as abdominal lump in a neonate Annigeri VM, Hegde HV, Patil PB, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2012;17:168-70
12Prune belly syndrome with congenital pouch colon. Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Manjunth T. Bhat, Harihar V. Hegde, Rashmi V Annigeri,Anil B. Halgeri. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2013:18:79-80.
13Management of a 10-month-old child with a rare combination of Bardet-Biedl syndrome and ano-rectal malformation undergoing anterior sagittal ano-rectoplasty. Hegde HV, Pai RB, Yaliwal VG, Annigeri VM, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. J Anesth. 2012 Feb;26(1):132-3. Epub 2011 Oct 15.
14Surgical management and outcome analysis of stage III pediatric empyema thoracis. Menon P, Rao KL, Singh M, Venkatesh MA, Kanojia RP, Samujh R, Saxena AK, Batra YK. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2010 Jan;15(1):9-14
15Foreign Bodies in the Bronchi - 3 Years Experience. Annigeri VM, Kulkarni V, Halgeri AB, Annigeri RV, Joshi SN. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 116-118
16Spectrum and Outcome Analysis of Acute Intestinal Obstruction in Neonates and Children. Annigeri VM, Kulkarni V, Annigeri RV, Halgeri AB, Joshi SN. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 106-110
17Mesocolic Hernia: An Unusual Internal Hernia Annigeri VM, Kulkarni V, Annigeri RV, Halgeri AB, Joshi SN. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 111-113
18Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: a 3- Years Experience in a Single Center. Annigeri VM, Kulkarni V, Annigeri RV, Halgeri AB, Budensab AH, Bagalkot PS, Joshi SN. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 143-148.
19Intussusceptions In Children. A 4- Years Experience In A Single Center Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Vijay Kulkarni, Rashmi V.Annigeri, Anil B. Halgeri, Budensab A H, Praveen S Bagalkot, S.N Josh Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 April-Sep ; 28 (2 & 3): 50-54.
20Nasal Glioma. A Case Report . Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Raghunath D Shanbag ,Vijay Kulkarni, Ashok S Naik, Preetam B. Patil Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 April-Sep ; 28 (2 & 3): 109-111.
21Spontaneous neonatal gastric perforation: a case report Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Vijay Kulkarni, .Rashmi V Annigeri Anil B. Halgeri, S.N Joshi Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 Oct-Dec ; 28 (4): 137-139
22Gastrointestinal perforation in neonates Venkatesh M. Annigeri , Vijay Kulkarni, Rashmi V Annigeri,.Mahesh Maralihalli, Anil B. Halgeri, S.N Joshi Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 Oct-Dec ; 28 (4): 140-146.
23Rare presentation of bronchogenic cyst as bronchiectasis: a case report Venkatesh M.Annigeri,HariharV.Hegde, Preetam B.Patil, Vijay Kulkarni, Anil B. Halgeri, Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 Oct-Dec ; 28 (4): 152-154.
24Lumbo-costo-vertebral syndrome Venkatesh.M.Annigeri, Sameer Desai, Santosh Dasar, Vijay Kulkarni,Anil B. Halgeri. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 Oct-Dec ; 28 (4): 155-157.
25Pattern of Foreign Body Aspiration in Children Budensab AH, Annigeri VM, Bagalkot PS, Gouda VR. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 125-129.