1 | Kaposiform Hemangioendothelioma With Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome In A Newborn. Annigeri VM, Pai VV, Dasar SK. European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology. 2012; 22: 249-252. | |
2 | Klebsiella associated phagedenic ulcers in infants – a report of two cases Varadraj. V. Pai, Venkatesh Annigeri, Ajanta G. Ashok Naik, N. N. Kikkeri T. Sori.. Pediatric dermatology. Article first published online: 2 JUL 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1470.2012.01803. | |
3 | Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome with H-type anovestibular fistula. Mahajan JK, Venkatesh MA, Bawa M, Rao KL. J Pediatr Surg. 2009 Aug;44(8):E1-3 | |
4 | Anesthetic challenges in lamellar ichthyosis. Hegde HV, Annigeri VM, Pai VV. Paediatr Anaesth. 2012 May;22(5):492-4. | |
5 | Pattern of Foreign Body Aspiration in Children- An Experience at SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital Budensab.A.H , Venkatesh M Annigeri , Preveen S Bagalkot, Vikram R Gouda International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (www.ijhsr.org) Vol.2; Issue: 8; November 2012 | |
6 | Gall bladder gangrene and perforation complicating typhoid fever Budensab AH, Annigeri VM.. Int J Health Sci Res. 2012;2(9):93-95. | |
7 | Unusual Cause of Stridor in a Preschool Child Budensab A H, Praveen S. Bagalkot, Venkatesh Annigeri, Suhas N. Joshi.. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (www.ijhsr.org) 126 Vol.2; Issue: 6; September 2012 | |
8 | Outcome analysis of palatoplasty in various types of cleft palate. Annigeri VM, Mahajan JK, Nagarkar A, Singh SP. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2012;17:157-61 | |
9 | Pyloroduodenal duplication cyst. Annigeri VM, Hegde HV, Patil PB, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2012 Apr;17(2):80-1. | |
10 | Etiological spectrum of acute intestinal obstruction. Annigeri VM, Mahajan JK, Rao KL. Indian Pediatr. 2009 Dec;46(12):1102-3 | |
11 | Congenital giant megaureter with duplex kidney presenting as abdominal lump in a neonate Annigeri VM, Hegde HV, Patil PB, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2012;17:168-70 | |
12 | Prune belly syndrome with congenital pouch colon. Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Manjunth T. Bhat, Harihar V. Hegde, Rashmi V Annigeri,Anil B. Halgeri. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2013:18:79-80. | |
13 | Management of a 10-month-old child with a rare combination of Bardet-Biedl syndrome and ano-rectal malformation undergoing anterior sagittal ano-rectoplasty. Hegde HV, Pai RB, Yaliwal VG, Annigeri VM, Halgeri AB, Rao PR. J Anesth. 2012 Feb;26(1):132-3. Epub 2011 Oct 15. | |
14 | Surgical management and outcome analysis of stage III pediatric empyema thoracis. Menon P, Rao KL, Singh M, Venkatesh MA, Kanojia RP, Samujh R, Saxena AK, Batra YK. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2010 Jan;15(1):9-14 | |
15 | Foreign Bodies in the Bronchi - 3 Years Experience. Annigeri VM, Kulkarni V, Halgeri AB, Annigeri RV, Joshi SN. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 116-118 | |
16 | Spectrum and Outcome Analysis of Acute Intestinal Obstruction in Neonates and Children. Annigeri VM, Kulkarni V, Annigeri RV, Halgeri AB, Joshi SN. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 106-110 | |
17 | Mesocolic Hernia: An Unusual Internal Hernia Annigeri VM, Kulkarni V, Annigeri RV, Halgeri AB, Joshi SN. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 111-113 | |
18 | Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: a 3- Years Experience in a Single Center. Annigeri VM, Kulkarni V, Annigeri RV, Halgeri AB, Budensab AH, Bagalkot PS, Joshi SN. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 143-148. | |
19 | Intussusceptions In Children. A 4- Years Experience In A Single Center Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Vijay Kulkarni, Rashmi V.Annigeri, Anil B. Halgeri, Budensab A H, Praveen S Bagalkot, S.N Josh Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 April-Sep ; 28 (2 & 3): 50-54. | |
20 | Nasal Glioma. A Case Report . Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Raghunath D Shanbag ,Vijay Kulkarni, Ashok S Naik, Preetam B. Patil Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 April-Sep ; 28 (2 & 3): 109-111. | |
21 | Spontaneous neonatal gastric perforation: a case report Venkatesh M. Annigeri, Vijay Kulkarni, .Rashmi V Annigeri Anil B. Halgeri, S.N Joshi Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 Oct-Dec ; 28 (4): 137-139 | |
22 | Gastrointestinal perforation in neonates Venkatesh M. Annigeri , Vijay Kulkarni, Rashmi V Annigeri,.Mahesh Maralihalli, Anil B. Halgeri, S.N Joshi Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 Oct-Dec ; 28 (4): 140-146. | |
23 | Rare presentation of bronchogenic cyst as bronchiectasis: a case report Venkatesh M.Annigeri,HariharV.Hegde, Preetam B.Patil, Vijay Kulkarni, Anil B. Halgeri, Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 Oct-Dec ; 28 (4): 152-154. | |
24 | Lumbo-costo-vertebral syndrome Venkatesh.M.Annigeri, Sameer Desai, Santosh Dasar, Vijay Kulkarni,Anil B. Halgeri. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2013 Oct-Dec ; 28 (4): 155-157. | |
25 | Pattern of Foreign Body Aspiration in Children Budensab AH, Annigeri VM, Bagalkot PS, Gouda VR. Karnataka Paediatric Journal. 2012 Jul-Dec; 27 (3 & 4): 125-129. | |