1 | Komal Ruikar, Vitthal Khode, Shilpa S. Shetty, Sarathkumar E, Prakash Patil, Satish Patil, Anil Bargale, Roshni sadashiv, Praveenkumar Shett, Association of pro-fibrinolytic receptor AnnexinA2 with tissue plasminogen activator/Inhibitor-1 in pre-eclampsia, African Health Sciences, Vol 23 Issue 1, March, 2023 | |
2 | Kiran Kumar, Kaveri Hallikeri, Ajaykumar Oli, Mallikarjun Goni, Apoorva Jain, Jagadeesha Poyya, Alagilavada S Shilpasree, Palaksha Kanive Javaregowd, Quantitative analysis of lncRNA in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of oral squamous cell carcinoma, BioTechniques, Vol 75, Issue 04, August 2023. | |
3 | Roshni Sadashiv, Suresh Managutti, Anil Bargale, Pooja Nimbal, Preetam Patil, Anatomical Study and Clinical Significance of Basivertebral Foramen of S1 Vertebra, Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, Volume 72, Issue 3, September 2023. | |
4 | Komal Ruikar, Manjunath Aithal, Praveenkumar Shetty, Udupi Shastry Dinesh, Anil Bargale, Roshni Sadashiv, E Sarathkumar, Vitthal Khode, Rathnamala Desai, Prakash Patil , Placental expression and relative role of anti-inflammatory annexin A1 and animal lectin galectine-3 in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 2022, Jan;37(1):60-68. | |
5 | Kiran Kumar, Ajaykumar Oli, Mallikarjun Goni , Kaveri Hallikeri, A S Shilpasree, An optimized protocol for total RNA isolation from archived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues to identify the long non-coding RNA in oral squamous cell carcinomas, MethodsX, 9(2022) 101602. | |
6 | Khode Vitthal, Patil Sumangal, Shetty Praveenkumar, Dinesh, Udupi S, Ruikar Komal, Bargale Anil, Association of Use of the Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) with the Expression Pattern of Different Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer, Current Women's Health Reviews, Vol 18, Number 2, 2022, pp. 85-92(8). | |
7 | Kulkarni Vinuta B, Shilpasree A.S, Patil Vidya S, Desai Rathnamala M, Prevalence of vitamin D deficinecy in infertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and its possible association with endocrine parameters, Research Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 17 (6) June (2022). | |
8 | AS Shilpasree, Vinuta B. Kulkarni, Praveenkumar Shetty, Anil Bargale, Mallikarjun Goni, Ajaykumar Oli, Sarathkumar E, Vidya S. Patil, Rathnamala M. Desai, Induction of Endometrial HOXA 10 Gene Expression by Vitamin D and its Possible Influence on Reproductive Outcome of PCOS Patients Undergoing Ovulation Induction Procedure, Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2022 May-Jun; 26(3): 252–258. | |
9 | Nikam Shashikant, Allannavar Sneha, Nikam Padmaja and Patil Giridhar, Function of Serum Adenosine Deaminase as an Indicator of Immune Status in HIV Patients treated with Combination Antiretroviral Therapy, Research Journal of Biotechnology , Vol. 16 (7) July (2021) | |
10 | Alagilawada S. Shilpasree, Vidya S. Patil, Manjunath Revanasiddappa, Vijayetha P. Patil, Deepti S. Ireshanavar, Renal Dysfunction in Prediabetes: Confirmed by Glomerular Hyperfiltration and Albuminuria, Indian Association of Laboratory Physicians 2021;13:257–262. | |
11 | Mudaraddi Rakesh, C.S. Madhu, Patil Vidya, Kulkarni Shreerang, Kaveeshwar Vishwas, Evaluation of serum vitamin d and calcium in elderly population of north Karnataka region, Research Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 16 (9) September (2021). | |
12 | Vidya S Patil ,Vijayetha P Patil, Deepak R Kanabur, Pravinchandra R Kangokar, Effectiveness of Early Clinical Exposure as a Motivational Tool to Improve Students’ Learning in MBBS Phase 1, Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 2021;25(2):51–59 | |
13 | Vijayetha P Patil, Vidya S Patil, Effectiveness of Structured Feedback after Formative Tests on first year MBBS Students’ Performance in Summative Examination, International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research, 2021;8:70-4. | |
14 | Mudaraddi Rakesh and Perumalreddy Hrudya, Evaluation of secretory Galectin9 in uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus, Research journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 15 (2) February (2020). | |
15 | Mudaraddi Rakesh and Perumalreddy Hrudya, Evaluation of secretory Galectin9 in uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus, Research journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 15 (2) February (2020). | |
16 | Sukhanya Shetty, Ashalata Rao, Deepti S Ireshanavar, Comparison of fasting and non-fasting lipid pro?le in healthy adult population, International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2020;7(1):30–35. | |
17 | Debasish Paul, Anil Bapu Bargale, Srikanth Rapole, Praveen Kumar Shetty and Manas Kumar Santra. Protein Phosphatase 1 Regulatory Subunit SDS22 Inhibits Breast Cancer Cell Tumorigenesis by Functioning as a Negative Regulator of the AKT Signaling Pathway. Neoplasia (2019) 21, 30–40. | |
18 | Vikram Haridas, Praveenkumar Shetty, E. Sarathkumar, Anil Bargale, Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, Vidya Patil & U. S. Dinesh. Reciprocal regulation of pro-inflammatory Annexin A2 and anti-inflammatory Annexin A1 in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Molecular Biology Reports 2019 Feb;46(1):83-95 | |
19 | Roseline Meshramkar , Praveen kumar Shetty , Gouri V Anehosur , Aishwarya Naik and Lekha KP. A study to evaluate effect of different surface treatment on osteoblastic activity of zirconia implant material – An invitro study. Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research. Vol 5(1): 1-4. | |
20 | Debasish Paul, Sehbanul Islam, Rajesh Kumar Manne, US Dinesh, Sunil K Malonia, Biswanath Maity Ramanamurthy Boppana, Srikanth Rapole, Praveen Kumar Shetty, Manas Kumar Santra. F-box protein FBXO16 functions as a tumor suppressor by attenuating nuclear β-catenin function. Journal of Pathology. Feb 2019;248:266–279 | |
21 | Dr. Vidya S Patil, Mr. Anil Bargale, Dr. Vishwas Kaveeshwar, Dr. Praveenkumar Shetty, Culture and Characterization of Human dental pulp-derived stem cells as limbal stem cells for corneal damage repair. Molecular Medicine Reports, Published online on: September 19, 2019, 4688-4694 | |
22 | Anil Bapu Bargale, Jayarama Shetty K, Suchetha Kumari N, Vidya S Patil, R D Kulkarni, Rajesh Kumar Manne, Sarath Kumar E and Praveenkumar Shetty, Annexin A2 mediated posttranscriptional destabilization of BRCA1 mRNA in sporadic breast cancer, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communication. 12(1): 162-168 (2019). | |
23 | Shankargouda Patil, Clinton D'souza, Prakash Patil, Vidya Patil, Mridula Prabhu, Anil Bargale,Vishwas Kaveeshwar, Sarath Kumar And Praveenkumar Shetty . Culture and characterization of human dental pulp?derived stem cells as limbal stem cells for corneal damage repair, Molecular Medicine report, 2019 Nov;20(5):4688-4694. | |
24 | Bargale Anil Bapu, Shetty K. Jayaram, Shetty Praveenkumar, Suchetha Kumari N, Patil Vidya S, Sarathkumar E, Annexin A2 mediated down regulation of BRCA1 in Sporadic breast cancer. Research journal of Biotechnology, 2019 Dec ; Vol 14(12): | |
25 | Ireshanavar DS, Shetty S, Rao A, Patil VS, Patil VP, Shilpasree AS. Establishment of Reference Intervals for Fasting and Nonfasting Serum Lipid Profile from Healthy Population in Mangaluru, Karnataka, India. Indian J Med Biochem 2019; 23 (3):327-330. | |
26 | Swetha Acharya, Prashant Prabhu, Vidya S. Patil, Anirudh B. Acharya, Krithi Nikhil, Immunohistochemical expression of tumor necrosis factor?like weak inducer of apoptosis and fibroblast growth factor?inducible immediate early response protein 14 in oral squamous cell carcinoma and its implications. Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry. 2019;10:e12469 | |
27 | Swetha Acharya, Prashant Prabhu, Vidya S. Patil, Anirudh B. Acharya, Krithi Nikhil, Tumor necrosis factor?like weak inducer of apoptosis expression in healthy oral mucosa, oral dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. 2019 Sep-Dec; 23(3): 369–377. | |
28 | Patil VP, Shilpasree AS, Patil VS, Pravinchandra KR, Ingleshwar DG, Vani AC. Evaluation of renal function in subclinical hypothyroidism. J Lab Physicians 2018; 10:50-5. | |
29 | Shrirang P Kulkarni, Vidya S Patil, Vijayetha P Patil, Deepti G Ingleshwar, Alagilwada S Shilpasree, Axita C Vani, Praveen K Shetty, Rakesh T Mudaraddi, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Anil B Bargale, Pramod S Kamble, Combination of Multiple Teaching Tools in learning Biochemistry: Perceptions of Medical Undergraduate Students. Indian Journal of Med Biochem 2018; 22(1):41-46. | |
30 | Vikram Haridas, Praveenkumar Shetty, M Nirmal Kumar, K C Vasanthakumar, Kiran Haridas, Vitthal Khode, Anil Bargale. Human Leukocyte Antigen?B*27 Allele Subtype Prevalence and Disease Association of Ankylosing Spondylitis among South Indian Population. Indian Journal of Rheumatology 2018 Volume:13(1)38-43. | |
31 | Vikram Haridas, Praveenkumar Shetty, E. Sarathkumar, Anil Bargale, Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, Vidya Patil & U. S. Dinesh. Reciprocal regulation of pro-inflammatory Annexin A2 and anti-inflammatory Annexin A1 in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Molecular Biology Reports October 2018 doi.org/10.1007/s11033-018-4448-5. | |
32 | Alagilawada S Shilpasree, Vidya S Patil, Vijayetha P Patil, Deepti G Ingleshwar. “Urine Albumin Excretion as a Marker of Acute Glycemic Changes in Isolated Postprandial Hyperglycemia”. Journal of Laboratory Physicians. 2017 Jan?Mar; 9 (1):36-41. | |
33 | Vijayetha P Patil, Vidya S Patil, Shrirang P Kulkarni, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Vani C Axita, Rakesh T Mudaraddi, Praveenkumar Shetty, Anil B Bargale, Pramod S Kamble, Deepti G Ingleshwar, AS Shilpasree, “Case-based Learning in Biochemistry: An Innovative Criterion-based Assessment Module for Effective Learning among MBBS Phase 1 Students in India”, in Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry 2017;21(1):1-7. | |
34 | Axita C Vani, Deepti G Ingleshwar, Vidya Patil, Vijayetha Patil, Shilpasree A S, “A Study of Thyroid Profile in Patients with Psoriasis”, National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2017 Jul, Vol 6(3): BO01-04 | |
35 | Sanjeevini NB, Dhiraj J. Trivedi, Vidya S. Patil, “Urinary glycosaminoglycan levels inhealthy adolescents between 17 – 19 years age”, International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, July-September 2017;4(3):234-236. | |
36 | Dhiraj J. Trivedi, Vishwaraj PK, Altered erythrocyte surface electric charge in ß- thalassemia: By Alcian Blue Dye binding, International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2017;4(1):25-29. | |
37 | Debasish Paul, Suvankar Ghorai , US Dinesh, Praveenkumar Shetty, Samit Chattopadhyay and Manas Kumar Santra, Cdc20 directs proteasome-mediated degradation of the tumor suppressor SMAR1 in higher grades of cancer through the anaphase promoting complex, Cell Death and Disease (2017) 8, e2882; doi:10.1038/cddis.2017.270; published online 15 June 2017. | |
38 | Namratha Kaviraj Karkera, Kruthika S Guttal, Praveen Kumar Shetty, Anil Bapu Bargale, Raghavendra D Kulkarni, Bhushan B Kulkarni, Hiremath, S. V, Effects of salivary e-cadherin (cdh1-160) gene promoter polymorphism on the risk of development of oral cancer in indian origin, International Journal of Current Research, 9, (04), 49449-49454. | |
39 | Rajesh Kumar Manne, Yashika Agrawal, Anil Bargale, Asha Patel, Debasish Paul, Neha Anilkumar Gupta, Srikanth Rapole, Vasudevan Seshadri , Deepa Subramanyam, Praveenkumar Shetty, Manas Kumar Santra, A MicroRNA/Ubiquitin Ligase Feedback Loop Regulates Slug-Mediated Invasion in Breast Cancer MicroRNA/Ubiquitin Ligase Feedback Loop Regulates Slug-Mediated Invasion in, Volume 19 Number xx Month 2017 pp. 483–495 483. | |
40 | Haridas V, Shetty P, Dsouza LC, Dinesh US, Haridas K, Bargale A, Pyoderma gangrenosum in sjogrens syndrome and its successful treatment with topical application of Etanercept, International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2017 May;20(5):657-659. | |
41 | Rakesh Mudaraddi , Ramesh, Pramod S. Kamble. Thyroid dysfunction in Elderly people with type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2017;4(1):60-63 | |
42 | Vani Axita Chandrakant, Vidya S Patil, Deepti G Ingleshwar, Vijayetha P Patil, Shilpasree A S, Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia-Evaluation of Total Calcium Ionised Calcium Magnesium Lactate and Electrolytes, National Journal of Laboratory Medicine, National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2017 Oct, Vol-6(4): BO01-BO06. | |
43 | Praveenkumar Shetty, Anil B, Basavraj R Patil, Rajashekar Mohan, Dinesh U S, Jamboor K Vishwanatha, Pramod B Gai, Vidya S Patil, Amsavardani TS. Cell Surface Interaction of Annexin A2 and Galectin-3 Modulates Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling in Her-2 Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Mol Cell Biochemistry. 2016;411(1-2):221-33.doi: 10.1007/s11010-015-2584-y.Epub 2015 Oct 5. | |
44 | Vijayetha P. Patil, Anuradha B. Patil, Vidya S. Patil, Deepti G. Ingleshwar. Paraoxonase Activity and Lipid Profile in Paediatric Nephrotic Syndrome: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016; 10(3): BC17-BC20. | |
45 | Vidya.S.Patil, Vijayetha P. Patil, Neeraja Gokhale, Anirudh Acharya, Praveenchandra kangokar. Chronic Periodontitis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Oxidative Stress as a Common Factor in Periodontal Tissue Injury. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016;10(4): BC12-BC16. | |
46 | Surbhi Chouhan, Snahlata Singh, Dipti Athavale, Pranay Ramteke, Vimal Pandey, Jomon Joseph, Rajashekar Mohan, Praveen Kumar Shetty, Manoj Kumar Bhat. Glucose induced activation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma is regulated by DKK4. Scientific Reports/6:27558/DOI: 10.1038/srep27558 | |
47 | Shreerang Pralhad Kulkarni, Rakesh Mudaraddi, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Pramod S Kamble. Association of Thyroid dysfunction in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research. 2016; 3(2): 172-176. | |
48 | Manohara A Bhat, KVV Prasad, Dhiraj Trivedi, BR Rajiv, Hemant Battur. Pyruvic acid levels in serum and plasma: A new course for oral cancer screening ? Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. 2016; 20 (1): 102-105. | |
49 | Dhiraj J Trivedi, Bandi Joshiraj, Vijay Bidkar, Raghavendra Rao. Methemoglobinemia: Living with Dormant Devil. Ind J Clin Biochem. DOI 10.1007/s 12291-016-0586-5. | |
50 | Praveenkumar Shetty, Vidya S Patil, Rajashekar Mohan, Leonard Clinton D’souza, Anil Bargale, Basavaraj R Patil, US Dinesh, Vikram Haridas , Shrirang P Kulkarni. Annexin A2 and its downstream IL-6 and HB-EGF as secretory biomarkers in the differential diagnosis of Her-2 negative breast cancer. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 1–9. | |
51 | Darshika Gandhi, Dhiraj Trivedi, Kaveri Hallikeri. Comparison of glycoprotein levels in oral carcinoma by spectrophotometric estimation using histochemical stains. International Journal of Current Research,International Journal of Current Research, 8, (02), 26921-26928. | |
52 | Dhiraj J. Trivedi, LNS: Brick Red Sand Urine Disease. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice Volume 5 Number 1, January - April 2016 | |
53 | Dhiraj J. Trivedi, Vijayetha P. Patil , Pramod S. Kamble. CYSTINURIA: Crystals that Make a Baby Cry Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry ISSN 0970-1915. | |
54 | Dhiraj J. Trivedi, Shrirang P. Kulkarni & Rakesh Mudaraddi. Primary Myoglobinuria: Differentiate Myoglobinuria from Hemoglobinuria. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry ISSN 0970-1915 | |
55 | Pramod Sudam Kamble,MP Bankar, DJ Trivedi, Srirang Kulkarni, Rakesh M, Methylenetetrahydro folate reductase enzyme polymorphism associated with hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with stroke International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2016;3(4):433-437 | |
56 | Dhiraj J. Trivedi, Vijayalaxmi Shindhe, Chandramati J. Rokhade, Manali Bhat, Divya M Markande Influence of Maternal Nutritional Status During Pregnancy on Developmental Outcome in First 30 days of Independent Neonatal Life. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2016;3(4):371-375. | |
57 | Hemanth Kumar R G, Vani Axita Chandrakant, Pattern and Distribution of Injuries among Road Traffic Accident Victims in North Karnataka, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-June 2016, Vol. 10, No. 1. | |
58 | Rama Jailkhani, Shivashankara Arnadi Ramachandrayya, Vidya Shankargouda Patil, Sameena. A hospital-based study of prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir state of India. International Journal of Medical Sciences & Public Health.2015; 4(2): 151-154. | |
59 | Rakesh Mudaraddi, Shrirang Prahlad Kulkarni, Dhiraj Jayantilal Trivedi, Vidya Shankargouda Patil, Pramod Sudam Kamble. Association of Serum Electrolytes and Urea Levels with Cardiac Markers in Acute Myocardial Infarction. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Research. 2015; 2(4): 234-235. | |
60 | Dhiraj J Trivedi. Vikram Haridas. Five Cases of Alkaptonuria Among Two Generations of Single Family in Dharwad, Karnataka (India). Ind J Clin Biochem; 2015DOI10.1007/s12291-015-0488-y. | |
61 | Kaveri Hallikeri, Swetha Acharya, Anila Koneru, Dhiraj J Trivedi. Evaluation of microvessel density in central and peripheral giant cell granulomas. J Advan Clin & Res Insights. 2015; 2(1):20-25. | |
62 | Tanvee S Wadikar, Swati B Setty, Kishore G Bhat, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Srinath L Thakur, Antibacterial activity of aqueous extract of benincasahispida fruit against periodontal pathogens. Int.J.ofsci study 2015; 3(1):145-149. | |
63 | Akshata Raghavendra Okade, Kaveri Satish Hallikeri, Dhiraj Jayantilal Trivedi, Salivary estimation of copper, iron, zinc and manganese in oral submucous fibrosis patients: A case- control study, Clinical cancer investigation journal. 2015; 4(3): 302-306. | |
64 | Dhiraj J Trivedi, Prashanth Naik. Alkaptonuria: A Case of Familial Inheritance from Hangarki Village in Dharwad District of Karnataka: Ind. J. Clinical Biochemistry DOI 10.1007/s12291-015-0538-5(November 2015 online first). | |
65 | Anithraj, Manohara Bhat, Kakarla Prasad, Dhiraj Trivedi, Swathi Acharya. Esimation of Pyruvic acid in serum and saliva among healthy and potentially malignant disorder subject- a stepping stone for cancer screening ?. J. of Clinical & Exp. Dent. 2015: 7(4) e 462-5. DOI: 10.4317/JCED.52266. | |
66 | Shindhe Vijayalaxmi, Trivedi Dhiraj, Narav Asha. Garbhasanskar: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice among Antenatal Mothers of Dharwad, Karnataka. Int.J. of Advances in Nursing Management. 2015, 3(4), 319-324, DOI: 10.5958/2454-2652.201500025.6. | |
67 | Marilyne Kpetemey, Subhamoy Dasgupta, Smrithi Rajendiran, Susobhan Das, Lee Gibbs, Praveenkumar Shetty, Zygmunt Gryczynski, Jamboor Vishwanatha, MIEN1, a novel interactor of Annexin A2, promotes tumor cell migration by enhancing AnxA2 cell surface expression. Molecular Cancer. 2015; 14:156. | |
68 | VaniAxita Chandrakant, Hemanth Kumar R G – a pattern of acute poisoning in Dharwad- India. Medico legal update. 2015; 15(1): 9-12. | |
69 | VaniAxita Chandrakant , Santosh Kumar, Hemanth Kumar R G-Homocysteine levels in diabetic patients with and without cardiovascular disease: A Cross sectional analytical study. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2015; 6 (2): 1361-1365. | |
70 | Pranali P Karne, Shankar M. Pawar, Anil B Bargale. Study of lipid profile in Psoriasis patients. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research. 2015; 2(1):1-4. | |
71 | Axita C Vani, Hemanthkumar. Estimation of plasma glutathione levels in NIDDM patients with andwithout cardiovascular disease International Journal of Biomedical Research 2015; 6(07): 456-459. | |
72 | Dhiraj Trivedi, K Sankara Narayana. Postmortem blood glucose level: how useful to envisage the time since death. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, January – March 2015;Vol.2(1):61-64 | |
73 | Dhiraj J. Trivedi, Akshata Shinde, Chhaya D. Trivedi. Sialic Acid: Indicator of Alcohol Abuse in Male Prior to Liver Disease. Indian Journal of Pathology Research and Practice.Volume 4 Number 1 / January - June 2015 | |
74 | Neeraja H Gokhale, Anirudh B Acharya, Vidya S Patil, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Swathi Shetty, Srinath L Thakur. Resistin levels in GCF in chronic Periodontitis Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. J Periodontology. 2014; 85(4): 610-617. | |
75 | Dhiraj J. Trivedi, Aparna Sagare. Assessment of Iron Overload in Homozygous and Heterozygous Beta Thalassemic Children below 5 Years of Age. Journal of Krishna institute of medical sciences. 2014; 3(2):17-22. | |
76 | Manasa Hosamane, Anirudh B. Acharya, Chhavi Vij, Dhiraj Trivedi. Evaluation of holy basil mouthwash as an adjunctive plaque control agent in a four day plaque regrowth model. J Clin Exp Dent. 2014; 6(5): e491-6. | |
77 | Dhiraj j Trivedi, Chandru MC, Akshata shinde, Chhaya D Trivedi. Alcohol impact on membrane glycoprotein: a lectin study. Int. J. Int sci. Inn. Tech. Sec. B. 2014; 3(5): 12-15. | |
78 | P Chaudhary, SI Thamake, P Shetty, JK Vishwanatha. Inhibition of Triple-negative and Herceptin-resistant Breast Cancer cell Proliferation and Migration by Annexin A2 antibodies. British Journal of Cancer, October 2014; doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.542 | |
79 | Deepti G ingleshwar, Sukanya Shetty, Ashalatha V Rao. Age related difference in the lipid profile in normal healthy woman. Niite University Journal of Health Science. 2014; 4(2): 94-97. | |
80 | Hemanth Kumar R G, VaniAxita Chandrakant, Pratibha. Blunt chest trauma induced acute myocardial infarction- Medico legal update. 2014; 14(2): 143-145. | |
81 | Prakash P Zende, MP Bankar, AR Momin, Pramod S Kamble. Study of Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) I405v Genotype and its association with Lipid fractions in myocardial infarction patients: A case control study. Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research. 2014; 8(6): CC01-CC04. | |
82 | Shilpasree AS, Kirankumar. Role of ischemia modified albumin in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. IJPBS. 2014: 3(6):168-173. | |
83 | Manohara A. Bhat Y, KVV Prasad, Dheeraj Trivedi, Anirudh B. Acharya. Dental Plaque Dissolving Agents: An In Vitro Study. International Journal of Advanced Health Sciences | July 2014 | Vol 1 | Issue 3. | |
84 | Ravichandra Udupa, Kaveri Hallikeri, Dhiraj J Trivedi. The comet assay a method to measure DNA damage in oral submucous fibrosis patients : A case control study. Clinical cancer investigation journal 2014 Vol 3,299-304. | |
85 | Aparna A Sagare , Dhiraj J Trivedi. Assesment of Transferrin Saturation as an Indicator of Iron Overload in Homozygous & Hetrozygous Form of Thalassemia. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences January - February 2014,5(1) Page No. 668, ISSN: 0975-8585. | |
86 | Gokhale NH, Acharya AB, Patil VS, Trivedi DJ, Thakur SL. A short-term evaluation of the relationship between plasma ascorbic acid levels and periodontal disease in systemically healthy and type 2 diabetes mellitus subjects. Journal of Diet Suppl. 2013; 10(2): 93-104. | |
87 | Dhiraj J Trivedi, Divya M, Priyanka, Manali Bhat, Vidya BU. Cord serum bilirubin and albumin in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Int J of integrative sciences, Innovation and Technology IJIIT. 2013; 2(2): 39-42. | |
88 | Kiran Patil, Dhiraj J Trivedi, K SankaraNarayan. Postmortem Blood Glucose (BlGlu) Level: An Attempt to Estimate Time since Death. IJFPR. 2013:03(02). | |
89 | Dhiraj J Trivedi. Oxidant and antioxidant imbalance as root cause in preeclampsia. Trans world medical Journal, 1(2):33-36 (online) | |
90 | Chandramati J and Dhiraj J Trivedi. Health related problems in Menopausal women of north Karnataka. IJIIT. 2013; 2(4) : 44-46. | |
91 | Chandramati J Rokhade, Dhiraj J Trivedi and Khyrunnisa Begum. Climacteric Symptoms and Health Status of Menopausal Women – NorthKarnataka. RJPBCS. 2013; 4 (4):1319. | |
92 | Pramod S Kamble, Prakash D Zende, MP Bankar, AR Momin. Impact of Homocysteine, Folate and vitamin B12 levels in patients of Arteriosclerosis. Research Journal Of Pharmaceutical, biological & Chemical Sciences. 2013; 4(2): 344. | |
93 | Shilpasree AS, Savitri Sahukar, Jayaprakashmurthy and Kirankumar. A study of Apolipoprotein A1, Apolipoprotein B and lipid profile in stroke. JCDR2013; 7(7):1303-1306. | |
94 | Shilpasree AS, Kirankumar, Itagappa M, Gayatri ramesh. A study of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in oral cancer patients. International journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology. 2013; 4(2): 02-06. | |
95 | Shilpasree AS, Satyaprakash, Itagappa M. Cystatin C: A better indicator than creatinine to assess the renal functions. IJPBS. 2013; 3(1): 372-375. | |
96 | Maliyannar Itagappa, Shilpasree AS, Kirankumar. Alcohol and cancer risk: A population based cohort study. IJPBS. 2013: 3(2): 299-303. | |
97 | Vidya S Patil, Rama Jailkhani, Dhiraj Trivedi, Shreerang P Kulkarni, Aparna A Sagare, Rakesh Mudaraddi, Anil Bargale. Screening for aminoacidurias and organic acidurias in patients with metabolic or neurological manifestations. Biomedical Research. 2012; 23(2): 253-258. | |
98 | Aparna A Sagare, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Vidya S Patil, Shreerang P Kulkarni. Protein Carbonyl & Microalbuminuria in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Indian journal of Applied and Basic medical research Med Res. 2012; 5(2): 399-404. | |
99 | Aparna A Sagare, Jayashree V Ganu, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Pramod S Kamble, Anil Bargale. Effect of traditional Biochemical markers on endothelial dysfunction in preeclampsia. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2012; 3(3): B16-21. | |
100 | Dhiraj Trivedi, Salivary proteome in periodontal diagnosis. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2012; 3(2): 0975-6299. | |
101 | Dhiraj Trivedi, Salivary sialic acid as marker of oral cancer. International Journal of integrative sciences, innovation and Technology. 2012; 1(1): 48-50. | |
102 | Shwetha K Shetty, Amarnath S Marudamuthu, Daniel Abernathy, Rashmi S Shetty, Praveenkumar Shetty, Jian Fu, Steven Idell, Yashodhar P Bhandary, Honglong Ji, Ming-ChehLiu and Sreerama Shetty. Regulation of Urokinase expression at the posttranscriptional level in lung epithelial cells, Biochemistry. 2012; 51: 205-213. | |
103 | Shetty Praveenkumar, Thamake Sanjay, Biswas S, Johansson S, Vishwanatha JK. Reciprocal regulation of AnxA2 and EGFR with Her-2 in Her-2 negative and Herceptin-resistant breast cancer. PLOS ONE, 7(9): 2012, e44299. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044299 | |
104 | Ramesh, Rakesh Mudaraddi, Ravindra Maradi. Serum ceruloplasmin-albumin ratio as a biochemical marker to assist the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2012; 3(2): 494-499. | |
105 | S Gowda, PB Desai, VS Kagwad , SJ Shetty and MB Ilakal. Variants of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) curve in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). IJPSR. 2012; 3(10): 3966-3970. | |
106 | Tejasvini Gouripur, PB Desai, Axita Vani, Kranti Gouripur, Vijayeta Patil. Comparison of lipid peroxidation product and enzymatic antioxidants in newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients with and without Human deficiency virus infection. Int J Pharm Bio Sci. 2012; 3(3): (B)391-397. | |
107 | Vijay R Pandhare, Pramod S Kamble, Prakash D Zende. Impact of antioxidant activity on enzymes of seminal plasma in association with mental stress subjects. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2012; 3(3):1025-1031. | |
108 | Indumati V, Vidya S Patil, Krishnaswamy D, Satishkumar D, Vijay V, Mahesh S, Rajeshwari V. Non –HDL cholesterol and LDL-C/HDL-C Ratio In type II diabetic patients. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2(2): B-71-77. | |
109 | Vidya S Patil, PB Desai , MV Kodliwadmath, Indumati V. Utility of gamma glutamyl transferase and AST/ALT (De Ritis) ratio in alcoholic liver diseases. International journal of Medical Sciences and Technology. 2011; 4(1):1-5. | |
110 | Dhiraj Trivedi, Chhaya Trivedi, Pramod Kamble, MC Chandru. Lectin based Hemagglutination assay : A screening test for thyroid disorders. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2 (4): 515-518. | |
111 | Dhiraj J Trivedi, Chhaya D Trivedi, Anil Bargale. Altered expression of pedilanthustithymaloiduslectin binding glycoprotein on erythrocytes in thyroid disorders, a preliminary report. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2(3): 411-415. | |
112 | Anil Bargale, Jayashree V Ganu, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Nitin Nagane, Rakesh Mudaraddi, Aparna sagare. Serum HS-CRP and uric acid as indicator of severity in preeclampsia. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2(3): 340-345. | |
113 | Anil B Bargale, Jayashree V Ganu, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Pramod S Kamble, Rakesh Mudaraddi. Serum superoxide dismutase and paraoxonase-1 activity in preeclampsia patients. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2(4): 705-709. | |
114 | Pramod Kamble, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Anil Bargale, Vijay Pandhare, Prakash Zende, Pradnya Padalkar. Role of xanthine oxidase, lipid peroxidation and uric acid in patients with acute myocardial infarction. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2 (4): 395-399. | |
115 | Pramod Kamble, Vinod Bhagwat, Dhiraj J Trivedi, Anil Bargale. Comparative study of free radical activity in plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax malaria patients. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2 (4): 99-102. | |
116 | Rakesh Mudaraddi, Ramesh, Sameer, Amareshwara M, Ravindra Maradi, Anil B , Beena V shetty. Evaluation of oxidative stress and antioxidant status in patients with epilepsy. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2 (3):303-308. | |
117 | Ramesh, Sudha k, Rakesh M, Amareshwara M, Smeer. Study of protein oxidation and antioxidants status in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2(3):104-109. | |
118 | Vivek R Joshi, Ravindra Maradi , Ayaz K Mallick, Rakesh Mudaraddi, Ramesh Hadapad, Vinay Khanna. Biological and Chemical Sciences Relationship between Glycated Hemoglobin Levels and the Iodine uptake in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2011; 2(3):107-111. | |
119 | Amareshwara M, Gayathri M Rao, Rakesh M, Ramesh, Sameer, Shreekantha. Study of protein oxidation products and antioxidants in primary brain tumour patients. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2011; 2(1): B-256-261. | |
120 | Shivaraj Gowda, Prakash B Desai, Sindhu J Shetty, Vijayetha S Kagwad, Mahantesh B Ilakal. Malarial hepatitis and renal failure: a study of two cases. IJPH. 2011; 8(1): 19-21. | |
121 | Pramod K. Feeding Practices and neonatal Hperbilirubinemia. The Antiseptic. 2011; 108(8): 379-381. | |
122 | Jailkhani R , Patil V S, Kulkarni S P, Pervatikar S, Jayashankara B B.an interesting case of compound heterozygous sickle cell-β+ thalassemia presenting with acute chest syndrome. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2010; 4: 2291-2296. | |
123 | Jailkhani R, Patil V S., Laxman H B, Shivashankara A R, Kulkarni S P, Ravindra M S. selective screening for inborn errors of metabolism-single center experience from Karnataka. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2008 Aug; (2): 912-918. | |
124 | Shreerang P Kulkarni, C R Mallikarjuna, D S Jayaprakash Murthy. Cerebrospinal fluid free sialic acid and aspartate transaminase levels in meningitis. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 2006; 21(1): 185-188. | |
125 | Dr. Vidya S Patil was appointed to monitor RGUHS research projects 2015-16 at Mysuru on 02-02-2018 | |
126 | Dr. Vidya S Patil was appointed as a Joint secretary – Association of Medical Biochemists – Karnataka chapter in the month of September 2018. | |
127 | Dr. Shilpasree A S Completed NIE- ICMR e-certificate course on “Health research fundamentals” Organized by ICMR- National Institute of epidemiology which was held from February to March 2018 (8 Weeks) with a score of 89%. | |
128 | Dr. Vidya S Patil received 1st Prize for a poster in Medical Education Titled, “Effectiveness of motivational methods prior to lectures on students learning in Biochemistry” presented at National Conference of association of Clinical Biochemists of India. ACBI – South zone conference 2018 held at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal on 7th & 8th December 2018. | |
129 | Dr Vidya S Patil completed Advance course in Medical Education (ACME) in 2017 from Nodal center for faculty development, JN Medical college, Belagavi. | |
130 | Dr Vijayetha P Patil completed Advance course in Medical Education (ACME) in 2017 from Nodal center for faculty development, JN Medical college, Belagavi. | |