1 | Sadashiv R, Managutti S, Kulkarni V, Kulkarni AV, Dixit U. Morphological measurements of innominate foramina and bony spurs along the base of sphenoid as a potential risk factor for neurovascular entrapment, radiological interpretation and surgical access. Malays J Med Sci. 2023;30(2):90–95. https://doi.org/10.21315/mjms2023.30.2.8- Dr. Roshni Sadashiv, Dr. Suresh Managutti, Dr.Veena Kulkarni, Dr.A.V.Kulkarni. | |
2 | Sanjay Joseph Fernandes1 , Chandani Ashok Kumar2 , Amar Singh L3, Morpho-metric study of the facial nerve in the Andaman and Nicobar islands population (Cadaveric study) ORIGINAL ARTICLE. ASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES. Aug 2023 | Vol 14 | Issue 8- Dr.Amar Singh | |
3 | Sanjay Joseph Fernandes1 , Sreekanth C2 , Chandani Ashok Kumar3 , Amar Singh L4,∗ , Victor Adharsh A1 and Sneha B1, A study to assess the role of gender in sleep quality among medical students of Andaman and Nicobar Islands , Original Research Article. Trends Clin. Med. Sci. 2023. May 2023: 522-528.- Dr.Amar Singh | |
4 | Nagashree M. V, Raghavendra D. R, Amar Singh L, Chandragirish S, Gireesh, Vidyashambhava Pare, Assessing the effectiveness of online learning for first year MBBS students during COVID-19 lockdown. International Journal of Health Sciences. 6(S6), 11472–11478. - Dr. Amar Singh | |
5 | Sanjay Joseph Fernandes1 , Yogesh M2 , Amar Singh L3, IDENTIFICATION OF SEX FROM MAXILLARY SINUS IN ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR POPULATION, Original Research Article, International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy (www.academicmed.org) ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556. - Dr.Amar Singh | |
6 | Ruikar K, Khode V, Shetty SS, Sarat Kumar E, Patil P, Patil S, Sadashiv R et al. Association of pro-fibrinolytic receptor AnnexinA2 with tissue plasminogen activator/Inhibitor-1 in pre-eclampsia. Afri Health Sci. 2023;23(1):309-19. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v23i1.33- Dr. Roshni Sadashiv | |
7 | Manisha Sachin Chougule, Drakshayini B. Kokati, Roshni Sadashiv. A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY OF TRABECULAR PATTERN OF CALCANEUS THROUGH HIGH RESOLUTION RADIOGRAPHS IN NORMAL & MENOPAUSAL WOMEN. Int J Acad Med Pharm 2023; 5 (3); 419-423.- Dr. Roshni Sadashiv | |
8 | Sadashiv R, Managutti S, Bargale A, Nimbal P, Patil P. Anatomical study and clinical significance of basivertebral foramen of S1 vertebra. J Anat Soc India 2023;72:217-21- Dr. Roshni Sadashiv, Dr. Suresh Managutti | |
9 | Placental expression and the relative role of Anti-inflammatory AnnexinA1 and animal lectin Galectin-3 in the pathogenesis of Preeclampsia Publication in Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 2021 - Dr. Roshni Sadashiv | |
10 | Decreased expression of Annexin A2 and loss of its association with Vascular Endothelial growth factor leads to the deficient trophoblastic invasion in Preeclampsia. Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 2021 - Dr. Roshni Sadashiv | |
11 | Ulnar artery: A case report of high origin and superficial course. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, ISSN: 2394-2118 e-ISSN: 2394-2126 13th February 2020 - Dr. Veena Kulkarni, Dr. Rakesh Kumar | |
12 | Differential expression pattern of annexinA2 during nephrogenesis and kidney carcinoma. Rom J Morphol Embryol, ISSN:1220-0522 e-ISSN:2066-8279 2019 - Dr. Roshni Sadashiv | |
13 | Comparative expression analysis of phospholipid-binding protein annexina1 in nephrogenesis and kidney cancer.Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 2019 - Dr. Roshni Sadashiv | |
14 | Morphological and Clinical Significance of The besian Valve Guarding Ostium of Coronary Sinus, National Journal of Clinical Anatomy, ISSN 2277-4025e-ISSN 2371-2780 April 2019 - Dr. Veena Kulkarni | |
15 | Anomalous origin of coronary arteries- Dr. Sunkeswari Sreepadma, Medica innovative, July- Dec-2018, vol 7- issue 2, P.16-20 | |
16 | The study of the relation between the gestational age of human fetuses and diaphyseal length of the femur using ultrasonography Chaithra Rao B R, Sunkeswari Sreepadma International journal of anatomy and research 5 (1), 3342-3349 Jan 2017 | |
17 | Anatomical variation of the digastric muscle and its clinical implications. Chaithra Rao B R, Sunkeswari Sreepadma. International journal of anatomy and research 4 (3), 2882-2885 Sep 2016 | |
18 | Dr. Manisha Chougule - A Cross-Sectional Study of Normal Variations of Sphenoid Sinus through CT-Scan in North Karnataka, India. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology & Surgery; July 2016, Vol-5(3): AO26-AO30. | |
19 | Dr. Manisha Chougule- Role Of Small Group Discussion In Comparison To Didactic Lecture In Improving Self Directed Learning Among First-Year Medical Students. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; December 2015: Vol.-5, Issue- 1, P. 501-505 | |
20 | Fused ribs-A case report. Sunkeswari Sreepadma, BR Chaithra Rao, BN Nandini, V Kulkarni, R Joshi. Excellent Publishers 2015 | |
21 | Evolving significance of palmar dermatoglyphics in childhood obesity. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy. Veena Kulkarni Sunkeswari Sreepadma Aug 2015 | |
22 | Urogenital Vascular anomalies with bilateral kinking of the ureter.: A case report. Malaysian Journal of medical sciences. Suresh Tadipi, Roshni Sadashiv, Sangeeta Muralidharan, and Maegyvear Pimid Nov 2015 | |
23 | Formation of Superficial palmar arch: a cadaveric study with clinical significance. IOSR Journal of dental and medical sciences. Roshni Sadashiv 2014\ | |
24 | Dr. Manisha Chougule-As the first Author, the paper has got published in PubMed cited International journal. Title-“A Cross-Sectional Study of Sphenoid Sinus through Gross & Endoscopic Dissection in North Karnataka, India.” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, April 2014, Vol-8(4): AC01-AC05. | |
25 | Occurrence of Q wave, QTC interval, and QRS frontal axis during different trimesters of Pregnancy-A cross-sectional study. BN Nandini, DG Shivakumar, A Manjunath, Sunkeswari Sreepadma. Int J Curr Res Aca Rev 2 (7), 79-88..2014 | |
26 | Dr. Veena Kulkarni-Palmar Dermatoglyphics among gutkha chewers with and without oral submucous fibrosis in Journal of Medica Innovative, June 2014, Vol:3, Issue:1 | |
27 | Dr. Veena Kulkarni- Rare variations in the vascular pattern of the thyroid gland in International Journal of Anatomical Variations,2014:7;4-6 | |
28 | Dr. A. V. Kulkarni -Journal of ‘Fetal & Pediatric Pathology’ 32:169-174’2013. ‘Chiari III Malformation’ A rare case with Review of Literature as a record author. | |
29 | Dr. Veena Kulkarni Third head of Biceps brachii associated with variations in the vascular pattern of the upper limb, in the Journal Anatomica Karnataka, December 2013 Vol:7.No:3 | |
30 | Dr. Sunkeswari Sreepadma- “Third head of biceps brachi associated with variations in the vascular pattern of upper limb” in the journal of Anatomica Karnataka. December 2013, Vol-7 No:3 | |
31 | Dr. Veena Kulkarni Morphological variations of the thyroid gland, in Journal of Medica Innovatica, December 2012, Vol:1, Issue:2 | |
32 | Dr. Sunkeswari Sreepadma- “Morphological variations of the thyroid gland” in the journal of Medica innovative December 2012, Vol-1 Issue:2 | |
33 | Dr. Sunkeswari Sreepadma- Bilateral Levator Glandulae Thyroidae with agenesis of isthmus of Thyroid gland Anatomica Karnataka Vol-6(2) Page 75-80 2012 | |
34 | Dr. Roshni Sadashiv, Dr.Vinay Kulkarni - Meckel’s Diverticulum with a persistent omphalomesenteric Artery – A case Report IJBR3(12)2012 | |
35 | Dr. A.V.Kulkarni- Contributed 3 chapters in “ORBAN’S Oral Histology and Embryology” 13th Edition 2011, Elsevier Publication. | |
36 | Dr. Veena Kulkarni- Psuedoganglion along the lateral terminal branch of deep Peroneal nerve, in Journal of Anatomica Karnataka, December 2011 Vol:5, No:3 | |
37 | Dr. Roshni Sadashiv -Foramina on the Zygomatic bone: its clinical significance. Clin Ter 2011; 162(5):419-421 | |
38 | Dr. Roshni Sadashiv - Reconstruction of femur length from its fragments accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | |
39 | A Rare Case of Urachal Sinus. Sunkeswari Sreepadma, BR Rao, J Ratkal, V Kulkarni, R Joshi. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR 9 (7), PD01-2 2015 | |
40 | Anomalous division of axillary artery–a case report. Sunkeswari Sreepadma, P Rathnakar. Anatomica Karnataka 5, 57-60.. 2011. | |
41 | Kumar Mr Bhat*, Vinay Kulakarni and Chandni Gupta. Additional muscle slips from the bicipital aponeurosis and a long communicating branch between the musculocutaneous and the median nerves. Int J Anat Var (IJAV). 2012; 5: 41–43.- Dr.Vinay Kulkarni | |
42 | Effect of Gentamicin on the Proximal Convoluted Tubules of mice. SD Desai,Sunkeswari Sreepadma. Anatomica Karnataka 4 (2), 5-10 ..2010 | |
43 | Study of a carotid clinoid foramen in dry human skulls of north interior Karnataka.SD Desai, Sunkeswari Sreepadma. National Journal of basic medical sciences 1 (2), 61-63 2010 | |
44 | Effect of Gentamicin on the Proximal Convoluted Tubules of mice. SD Desai, Sunkeswari Sreepadma. Anatomica Karnataka 4 (2), 5-10 2010 | |
45 | Unilateral absence of foramen transversarium of atlas vertebra- a rare case report.SD Desai, Sunkeswari Sreepadma. Anatomica Karnataka- An international journal 4 (1), 61-68 .. 2010 | |
46 | Partial closure of right superior orbital fissure with narrow optic foramen. SD Desai, Sunkeswari SreepadmaInternational Journal of Anatomical Variations, 188-190 … 2010 | |
47 | Dr. Veena Kulkarni has authored Practical Manual and Workbook of HISTOLOGY ISBN: 978-93- 5466-358-1 Second Edition : 2022 - CBSPD Dedicated to Education CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd
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48 | Dr. A. V. Kulkarni has Contributed 3 chapters in “ORBAN’S Oral Histology and Embryology” 13th Edition 2011, Elsevier Publication.
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