Audiology & Speech Language Pathology

Audiology & Speech Language Pathology

About the Department & Specialty:

Established : 2009
A first of its kind department in the entire Northern Karnataka region established within a multispecialty hospital and university. The department is equipped with state of the art facilities to assess and treat various disorders related to speaking, hearing and swallowing across the complete age range.
The department extends services in collaboration with multiple specialty departments namely, the depts. of ENT, Paediatrics, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, General Medicine, General Surgery, Oncology, Psychiatry and Neurophysiotherapy.
The department is a part of the smile train project along with the craniofacial unit to assess and manage children born with cleft lip and palate.
Also, the department in collaboration with dept. of paediatrics and obstetrics & gynaecology has implemented the universal hearing screening program as per JCIH 2013 statement to identify babies that are born with hearing loss or are at risk of developing it soon. Early identification and management of hearing loss is the key rationale of this program.
Timings & Holidays
Outpatient (OPD) :
Monday to Saturday – 09:00 am to 05:00 pm
Sundays & Public Holidays – Not Available
Emergency – 24*7
  • Pure tone Audiometry
  • Speech Audiometry
  • Special tests to confirm Cochlear and Retrocochlear Pathology
  • Tympanometry/ Impedance
  • Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE)
  • Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA)
  • Vestibular Assessment and Management
  • Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMP)
  • Videonystagmography (VNG)
  • Tinnitus valuation and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
  • Assessment and management of Hyperacusis
  • Hearing Aid Trail and Fitting
  • New Born hearing screening
  • Auditory Verbal Therapy/ Auditory training for children with hearing impairment fitted with hearing aids/ Cochlear implant.
Speech Language Pathology : Assessment & Management
  • Child language disorder such as Language Delay, Autism, ADHD, Intellectual disability, Cerebral palsy, Dyslexia, Acquire childhood aphasia, Seizure disorders and different syndromes with language delay.
  • Children with Cleft Lip and palate.
  • Speech disorders such as Stuttering, Misarticulation, Glossectomy, Apraxia and Dysarthria.
  • Voice disorders such as Puberphonia, Laryngectomy, and Spasmodic Dysphonia etc.
  • Aphasia/ Primary Progressive Aphasia and other Degenerative disorders.
  • Cognitive Linguistic Disorders such as Dementia, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s etc.
  • Dysphagia/ Swallowing disorders.
  • Outpatient Department: Consultation, Comprehensive Audiometry testing with advanced two channel digital audiometers in ANSI standard sound proof testing rooms, Hearing aid trial and fitting with latest state of the art digitally programmable hearing aids at affordable prices, Vestibular and auditory processing tests with multi-channel event related potentials unit, otoacoustic measurement device and Videonystagmography. Individualized speech-language therapy for various communication disorders across all age groups.
  • Inpatient Department: Bedside evaluation and therapy facilities available for neurogenic communication disorders, traumatic brain injury and oncological cases for disorders related to speech-language and swallowing.
  • Wasim Ahmed, HOD was invited as a resource person and also awarded with the best paper (platform category) in the Speech-Language category at the 1st International and the 3rd National conference of the speech and hearing association of Nepal at Kathmandu in December 2023.
  • Wasim Ahmed, HOD was invited as a resource person to the 55th annual conference of the Indian speech and hearing association (ISHACON 55) at Kolkata in January 2024.

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Dedicated to your health and well-being