November 18, 2023 2024-11-28 5:22Neurosurgery
About the Department & Specialty:
Established : 2009
Disease Profile Treated:
The department comprises several clinical programs that encompass the entire spectrum of neurosurgical practice. All kinds of Neurosurgical emergencies and Neurotrauma are managed by the team with a dedicated NeuroICU. We treat a number of brain tumors regularly, some of which include gliomas, meningiomas, cerebello-pontine angle tumors (Acoustic Schwannomas), ependymomas, medulloblastomas and abscess at all locations of the brain. Regularly treated spinal cord tumors include intradural neurofibromas, meningiomas and intra medullary astrocytomas. The vascular surgeries being done include clipping of the cerebral aneurysms and excision of Arterio-Venous malformations (AVM). Functional neurosurgeries like micro vascular decompression of the trigeminal nerve are being done on a regular basis. Pediatric brain tumors, hydrocephalus, encephalocele and spina myelo-meningoceles repairs are done on a regular basis. Spine surgeries being done include C1-C2 fixations (Atlanto-Axial Subluxation) , fixation of the Odontoid fracture and fracture dislocations of cervical and thoraco- lumbarspine, Combined anterior and posterior stabilization are done on a routine basis. Micro lumbar discectomies and transforaminal lumbar inter vertebral body fusions (TLIF) anterior and posterior stabilization of the cervical spine with state of art instrumentations are done on a regular basis at affordable price. Endoscopic, Endonasal Skull base Surgeries are performed in collaboration with the Department of E.N.T. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) is also undertaken in our department.
Timings & Holidays
- General OPD : Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm
- General ward admissions: All neurosurgical elective cases
- Intensive Care Unit: Emergency neurosurgical and post operative patients requiring ICU care.
- Emergency: All kinds of brain and spinal trauma, intracranial bleeds, aneurysmal rupture, hydrocephalus.
- Outpatient Department:
- OT equipment:
Zeiss Kinevo 900 operating microscope with intraop ICG, tumor fluorescence, Siemen’s C-arm, Medtronic & Stryker high speed drill system, Karl Storz cranial endoscopy system and Easy-GO endoscopic spine system.
- Equipments:
Multipara monitors, NIV, nebuliser, ECG, USG machine, infusion pumps, syringe pumps, blood warmer, defibrillator, mechanical ventilators.
Neurosurgery Intensive Care Unit:i) Beds Availabilityii) Staff Availability:
- — Clinical Assistants
- — Resident Doctor
- — Nursing Staff
- — Supporting Staff
General ward:i) Beds Availabilityii) Staff Availability:
- — Clinical Assistants
- — Resident Doctor
- — Nursing Staff
- — Supporting Staff
Special ward:i) Beds Availabilityii) Staff Availability:
- — Clinical Assistants
- — Resident Doctor
- — Nursing Staff
- — Supporting Staff
High Dependency Unit:i) Beds Availabilityii) Staff Availability:
- — Clinical Assistants
- — Resident Doctor
- — Nursing Staff
- — Supporting Staff
Our Experts
Dedicated to your health and well-being