About The Event
The MBBS Batch 2023-24 consisting 150 Students were inducted to the SDM Medical College on 7th October, 2023 at DVH Kalakshetra. Poojya Shri D. Veerendra Heggade, Hon’ble Chancellor, Smt. Hemavathi V Heggade, Chairperson of SIRI Gramodyoga, Ujire and Dr. Ramesh S Mudhol, Vice Chancellor of BLDE University, Bijapur and Dr. Niranjan Kumar, Vice Chancellor inaugurated the induction program by lighting the lamp. University Officials, Heads of the Institutions, Faculty and Students were present during the program.
Poojya Shri D. Veerendra Heggade, Hon’ble Chancellor blessed the Students and told that:
• I always remember and respect the contributions made by our senior Prof. N Vajrakumar
• Excellence is the only character of SDM Group of Institutions
• Our three Naturopathy Institutions provides preventive healthcare and changing life style
• Students support to provide quality healthcare and modern equipment’s for their studies
• Doctors / Medical Students must update themselves often
The Chief Guest, Dr. Ramesh Mudhol addressed and conveyed his message to the young students that:
• By starting education Institutions in Dharwad Poojya Heggade sir brought Lord Manjunatha swamy to here.
• JSS Institutions were the inspirations to SDM Medical Campus
• Divinity and Humanity is the key principle in SDM Organization
• Volume of Commitment and willingness of Management taken greater heights to any Institutions
• Dedicated work of both Teaching / Non-Teaching Staff automatically fills the Students to Colleges and patients to its Hospital
• We all should be proud of the contribution of SDM Educational Society over 120 years of education to the society
Ms. Kavana and Mr. Yashwanth are the lucky Students to receive free Medical Books through luck draw picked by Smt. Shraddha Amit, Executive Director of Kshemavana, Bangalore.
Dr. Rathnamala M. Desai, Principal, SDM Medical College, welcomed the Guests, Students and their Parents. Dr. Roshan Jalisatagi, Student Welfare Officer introduced the Heads of the Departments to the Students. Dr. S K Deshpande, Prof. of Anatomy & Chief Warden introduced the Chief Guest. Dr. Deepak Kanabur, Vice Principal administered the Oath. Dr. Vijay Kulkarni, Vice Principal proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Ashwini, Prof. of Community Medicine and Dr. Sandesh Akki, Dept. of Orthopedics compered the program.
SDM Medical College