



The Department of Psychiatry has faculty trained from various premier institutes of the country. The Department has adequate infrastructure for consultation and counselling for both outpatient and in-patient care of patients with mental illness. In-Patient facility includes general ward and acute care services with continuous monitoring. Apart from providing mental health care facilities, the Department is working towards improvement in mental health awareness and educating the public about mental illness. Manpower training in mental health has been given priority with inputs at undergraduate and postgraduate level and the Department is working towards de-stigmatizing psychiatry and mental illness among health care providers.


Teaching Program

The training programs for postgraduates in Psychiatry are carried out at the department level and also interdepartmental level. Training is also imparted to undergraduate and post-graduate trainees of other departments of the Institute. The departmental activities for postgraduate training include- Seminar and journal club as per the syllabus prescribed by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health sciences, Bangalore. Along with these academic programs, more focus is given to bedside teaching and case discussions. There are teaching programs conducted by the faculty as a series of introductions to psychiatry – history taking and mental status examination, research methodology, statistics, basic sciences, and psychology. The residents are required to keep a record of details of their training in the form of a logbook including departmental case presentations, seminars, journal clubs and other academic activities, which will be monitored regularly.

Psychological Interventions

The Department of Psychiatry has clinical psychologists and psychiatric social workers who have been trained in clinical care and teaching. The counseling center has been started in the Medicine OPD which runs daily from 9 am to 5 pm, with counseling services provided for tobacco cessation, stress management, marital and sexual dysfunction, pre and post-surgery counseling. Group therapy for alcohol dependence syndrome has been successfully conducted 4 days a week covering motivation enhancement to relapse prevention in alcohol and other drug dependence syndromes. Individual psychotherapy and family therapy for patients is being done including various schools of psychotherapy from psychoanalysis to the Indian system of psychotherapy.

Our Faculty

The best teacher in life can completely change life in a good way. A teacher is the best guide for everyone, he/she teaches us dedicatedly to make our future bright and successful.