



The department is located on the first floor of the college building. It has two lecture halls situated on the same floor, with a capacity of seating 150 students each. The department is well-designed with excellent infrastructure which includes well equipped laboratories for hematology, amphibian study, mammalian study, clinical physiology and for research. Each laboratory has capacity to accommodate 60 students. Department also has a demonstration room with seating capacity of 50 students and a departmental library containing 200 books. Power point presentations of lecture classes are made available for the students if required. Following instruments are available for the training of post graduate students.

  • Reaction Time (Visual, Auditory & Whole body reaction)
  • Cycle Ergometer
  • Computerized ECG + Cardiart 6208 – BPL Machine
  • Computerized Spirometer - Schiller
  • Computerized Instrument to record Heart Rate Variability
  • Loud Sound Stethoscope- manufactured locally in the department

Teaching Program

Department staff are involved in teaching professional 1st year MBBS involving 150 students, 1st year BDS involving 100 students, 1ST year BPT involving 80 students, 1st year BSc Nursing involving 100 students, 1st year Allied health sciences involving 80 students, 1st year MSc RIBS. 

Department of physiology always introduces novel, interactive & innovative teaching methodologies for teaching for undergraduates. 

Integrated teaching: Department plans its teaching activities in alignment with anatomy & biochemistry so that students understand the subject better.

Mentoring program: Around 20 students will be allotted to every teacher and the teacher will be evaluating those students throughout the year.  So the teacher will be knowing those students from the beginning itself, so it becomes very easy to identify slow learners from the beginning itself. So proper remedial measures will be planned from the initial days itself.

Pre-lecture questions: Students have to submit a brief write-up before the class. This will ensure that the students read the topic before attending the class and will have a rough idea. 

Class tests: Written tests are conducted after the completion of every system. This helps students during their Internal Examinations as well as in University examinations. Tests will be similar to internal exams so that students will be oriented to pattern of exams & also learn time management during exams.

Micro seminar: Topics will be given to the students with teachers as moderators wherein each student gets an opportunity to present their assigned topic. This gives students an opportunity to explore their leadership qualities, working in team & presentation ability.

Small group teaching: Department gives importance to small group teaching during practical as well as in small group discussion. This gives opportunity to students to interact with staff.

Early clinical exposure: Department is conducting various ECE sessions for phase 1 MBBS students. We take them to the hospital to show interesting cases, lab facilities, and clinical skills. This creates interest amongst students to develop interest in learning physiology.

AETCOM Sessions: Department is involved in conducting AETCOM sessions for teaching attitude, ethics & communication amongst students using role plays, videos, movies, and interactive sessions.

Self directed learning sessions: Department gives few topic as SDL topics to students with reference material. This gives opportunities for students to become self directed learners. 

Department believes that we should teach not only subjects to students but also to imbibe qualities like discipline, punctuality, professionalism also to students. 

Our Faculty

The best teacher in life can completely change life in a good way. A teacher is the best guide for everyone, he/she teaches us dedicatedly to make our future bright and successful.