Obstetrics & Gynaecology
November 17, 2023 2024-10-25 10:33Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
The department of Obstetrics & Gynecology started functioning in 2004. The department has progressed rapidly with more than 110 percent bed occupancy, more than 4750 OPD cases per month, over 300 deliveries per month and more than 300 surgical procedures per month. The Out Patient Department, the Labour Theatre and the Operation Theatres are all equipped with modern instruments & gadgets. All the staff members have been instrumental in giving the patients excellent care with compassion & competence. The department of Obstetrics & Gynecology runs an intensive teaching program for the undergraduates & the postgraduates. The department conducts conferences and workshops regularly. All the staff members play an active role in the activities of the Hubli Dharwad Obstetric & Gynaecolgical society affiliated to the national body FOGSI.

Teaching Program
The department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology conducts intensive teaching programmes for the undergraduates & the postgraduates.
Undergraduate teaching starts from the third term to the ninth term. The theory lecture classes are held every day. The students also have clinical postings every day. Students undergo rigorous training in clinical examination & management in the wards. They get an opportunity to observe many surgical procedures. The students are also posted to the labour theatre in small groups for one week where they get a closer look at how the emergencies are tackled day & night. The undergraduate students also have seminars, tutorials and general clinics every week, which enhances the students’ knowledge as well as prepares them for the examinations.
- Regular theory classes (large group teaching) for MBBS undergraduate students of all terms 3rd to 9th term.
- Regular ward teaching, including bedside clinics. Skill lab for undergraduates for all term on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
General clinics for 8th and 9th term students once a week on every Wednesday afternoon (3.00 to 5.00pm).
Periodic conducting of internal assessment tests at the end of posting for all undergraduate students and theory internal assessment during the term and formative assessment after every class.
- Small group teaching for undergraduate student as per NMC guidelines.
Exposure of undergraduate students AETCOM modules and pandemic modules as per NMC guidelines.
The Postgraduate teaching includes weekly seminars, case discussions & journal clubs. There are frequent interdepartmental meetings, clinic-pathological meetings, subject symposia, perinatal & maternal mortality meetings. The postgraduates get a graded training in the labour theatre. They get an opportunity to assist all operations including endoscopy & radical surgery. They also get a chance to perform several major and minor surgical procedures under the supervision of the staff. The students’ performance is assessed periodically by internal assessment.
- Regular postgraduate teaching schedules will be follows: Wednesday – Clinical case presentation Thursday – Journal club Friday – Seminar topic wise for all postgraduates.
- Every month mortality and morbidity meetings conducted for postgraduates.
- Staff lectures on selected topics by departmental staff members and from other departmental staff once in three months.
- Regular bedside teaching for postgraduates in all the units during rounds. Our postgraduates are posted to Labour Room for 3 months every year.
- Parodic Internal Assessment, theory as well as practical for Post graduates as per NMC guidelines.
- Conduct CME, workshops, panel discussions and quiz for both UG & PG as and when the opportunity available.
Our Faculty
The best teacher in life can completely change life in a good way. A teacher is the best guide for everyone, he/she teaches us dedicatedly to make our future bright and successful.

Dr. Sneha G S

Dr. Chaitra Kulkarni

Dr. Saniya Shabbir Ahmed Sheikh

Dr. Suma S Moni

Dr. Vivek Hosakeri

Dr. Sridevi A S

Dr. Kshama A Hinchigeri

Dr. Ankita Patil

Dr. Anoop Gurunath Kanthi

Dr. Nalla Vijayalaxmi

Dr. Kammara Deepthi Priya

Dr. Gupta Shivangini Rajendra

Dr. Aishwarya Rajendra

Dr. Aishwarya Basavaraj Hunashyal

Dr. Shiwani Sharma

Dr. Zeeshan Khadeeja Ambreen

Dr. Mahesha K C

Dr. Chandhini Madhav Sanil

Dr. Alfiya Urf Bibi Ayesha Mujawar

Dr. Thejaswini N

Dr. Varsha

Dr. Sameena Shaik

Dr. Vaishnavi Harkood

Dr. Sanjana S M

Dr. Nagashree Kashyap S

Dr. Sangeetha P

Dr. Avanti Rachel Singh

Dr. Trupti S Patil

Dr. Chaitanya S

Dr. Vanna Mahithareddy

Dr. Gangamma Ittagi

Dr. Ayeesha H Alur

Dr. Sahana H N

Dr. Meghana Shripad Bhat

Dr. Ashvini Koppad

Dr. Sunidhi Joshi

Dr. Aishwarya Prabhu Hulinayak

Dr. Harshitha Gundappa Sawakar

Dr. Bhavana C R

Dr. Chandana N

Dr. Santosh Siddappa Bangi

Dr. Gayatri D Patil

Dr. Pooja S Patil

Dr. Sruthi M

Dr. Punit Nagaraj Mulimani