Forensic Medicine
November 17, 2023 2024-09-13 3:46Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine
The Department is teaching, both theory and practical aspects of, Forensic Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence & Medical Ethics along with Toxicology to M.B.B.S. students during the Second and third year of the Course. The aim is to produce a physician who is well informed regarding the law in relation to medical practice and is capable of helping the Criminal Justice System in disbursement of justice. It is aimed to make students proficient in observing the principles of medical ethics in the practice of their profession. Students are taught to make observations and draw logical inferences from these observations in order to contribute scientifically to enquiries into criminal matters. Knowledge of toxicology enables them to treat poisoning cases.
The Department of Forensic Medicine comprises of two portions having well – designed modern infrastructure. The Teaching Block has demonstration rooms, museum, departmental library and research lab. The Mortuary Block, part of the Hospital Complex, has Morgue for storage and preservation of dead bodies and the Postmortem Room with accessory facilities like waiting room for relatives of the deceased, Inquest room for the police etc.

Teaching Program
- Teaching & training of medico-legal autopsy, integrated teaching, small group teaching (practicals, SDL) to the MBBS students of Professional year II and Professional year III part I
- Training the MBBS students regarding deposing of evidence, examination in chief & cross examination in the court of law by visiting the court premises with the faculty members
- Conducting AETCOM modules (Medical Negligence & Pandemic module) for MBBS students as per NMC guidelines
- Guest Lectures on selected topics by faculty from other departments/institutions whenever necessary
- Periodic examinations, like internal assessment tests at the end of each professional year for all MBBS batches
- Teaching & training of medico legal autopsy for MD students
- Post Graduate teaching schedules like seminar presentation, journal club etc
Our Faculty
The best teacher in life can completely change life in a good way. A teacher is the best guide for everyone, he/she teaches us dedicatedly to make our future bright and successful.

Dr. Chaitra Joshi