November 17, 2023 2024-08-31 9:10Otorhinolaryngology
The department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery caters to the population of north Karnataka and Part of Maharashtra. It has well equipped OPDs with full-fledged Endoscopy unit comprising of rigid and Flexible endoscopies and well equipped Consultation rooms. There is attached minor OT and demonstration hall for teaching U.G. and P.G students. OPD is connected by PACS system, where investigations done on patients can be viewed online, which speeds up the treatment imparted. The department library comprises of about 150 books related to ENT, Head and Neck Surgery and Audiology & speech language pathology. The department has a seminar Room with latest Audio visual aids for conducting teaching Programs. The Audiology and Speech language pathology section is well equipped with pure tone Audiometry, Computerized Impedance audiometer; BERA. It has well trained Audiology and Speech language pathologists. Skill lab of the department has facilities for cadaveric temporal bone dissection and cadaveric endoscopic dissection, where post graduate students and staff can hone their surgical skills. Department also has well-furnished classroom with good Audio visual aids which help in imparting quality education to the students.

Teaching Program
Theory classes and clinical postings for undergraduate students are conducted as per NMC guidelines. Students get to see a large number of patients with a variety of presentations. Students are also encouraged to present seminars. Regular Tutorials are conducted to provide healthy discussions between Students and Staff. For post graduate students regular teaching programs as per NMC Guidelines are conducted. With an abundance of clinical material at their disposal, P.G.s get to improve their clinical skills. For the betterment of surgical skills, they are encouraged to do regular temporal bone dissection, endoscopic surgeries on cadavers and mannequins. P.G. students are encouraged to take up research projects.
Our Faculty
The best teacher in life can completely change life in a good way. A teacher is the best guide for everyone, he/she teaches us dedicatedly to make our future bright and successful.

Dr. Aishwarya Hegde

Dr. Kaveri K B

Dr. Sushma Bhimanagouda Patil

Dr. Athira Raj

Dr. N Aishwarya

Dr. Kavita Dharmatti

Dr. K Poojitha

Dr. Mohit M K

Dr. Sourabha Hegde